Well our little tooter is 3 months old!!!! That is 1/4 of a year! She is soooo fun and makes us laugh all day long! Here are her latest stats!
On our scale at home she is a whopping 14 lbs!
She is wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes.
We ran out of size 1 diapers the week you turned 3 months and the size 2's fit so well around your beautiful chunky thighs! They have been containing the frequent blowouts you have been having with the size 1's! Thank goodness b/c I have been having to stain treat so many of your clothes! (and mine ha!)
We have established your morning nap but are still working on your afternoon one. You go down a little after 8 and will sleep for 2 hrs. You take a little catnap around noon, and then at some point in the afternoon you will take another longer nap. Sometimes its at 2 and sometimes its at 3. We are getting better at figuring out when you are ready for you nap!
She still takes 5 oz every 3 hours for a total of 6 feeds a day. She also discovered that she has hands this month and likes to "help" you feed her. During her 12th week she was very fussy during her feeds and refused to finish hardly any of her bottles. She would get very distracted about halfway through and have no interest what so ever. And pretty much scream if you had the nerve to try to coax her to finish. This led us to believe she was ready to drop her late night feed! We ended up doing this on July 4 at 3 months and 2 days and she slept from 8:30 pm to 7 am AND finished every single bottle the next day and even wanted more at her last 2 feedings! Again...Babywise really knows there stuff!
She seems to favor the person she is with all day. Whether she is with me, Andrew, or my mom all day she seems to want to stay with person for the evening if that makes sense. I will have her all day and then Andrew comes home from work at 7 and she wants nothing to do with him and wants to stay with me. Or if I'm at work and my mom has her all day and I come home and scoop her up I am NOT what she wants!!! This has made me soooo sad! I think we have figured out it is in the handoff. Instead of just handing her off right when we get home we will put her on her play mat to play for a bit and then the other person will pick her up, and then she seems to be fine with the new person the rest of the evening. *most of the time.
Some evenings she will have a fussy time around the same time each time and nightly walks seem to be the answer! She likes to be outside and listen to all the sounds! Needless to say we have taken ALOT of evening walks in the past few weeks! She still LOVES to face out in the bjorn, and we have also started putting her in her stroller without the infant seat and she loves sitting up like a big girl!
You seem to have noticed that you have some pet cats! Since Jack likes to be near you at all times you probably notice him the most! I think you like his orange hair! You were staring at him the other day as if to try to figure out what he was! When he is near and your little hand brushes against his fur, you will keep it there and pet him!
She still sleeps swaddled at night but has been "busting out" more and more. I tried the graduate sleep sack but her hands were out almost immediately with the flap of fabric over her face! So we quit using that before we even got to use it! We also tried a bigger swaddle but it seems it is a bit too big for her with too much fabric. So we are still using the size smalls, but this girl is strong! I have to rewrap her usually once a night. I am waiting for a weekend when I am off and we can try to train her to sleep without the swaddle! She is still in her bassinette in our room also. Once we train her to sleep without the swaddle we are going to make the big move to her crib! :( I think I will need the transition more than she will!
She still loves her baths and LOVES her hairwashed.
And now a mommy update. I have been a pumping fool over the past 3 months! So much so that we had no room for food in our freezer! So we purchased a deep freeze this month! I was surprised at how reasonable they are. Now we have room for food in our freezer and the shelf life of breastmilk is 6 months in a deep freeze vs. 3 months in a fridge/freezer combo. It's quite ridiculous how proud I am of my stash. If my calculations are correct it is probably about 2 months worth of feedings for her! I love organizing it, dating it, freezing it etc. I am very OCD when it comes to Reese's milk. I think I would probably curl up in a ball and cry for a week if something happened to our liquid gold stash!!!
You have been unable to keep the soothie paci in your mouth for a whole nap so one random day I tried the avent paci. The same one that you acted like I was gagging you with when I gave it to you before. And what do you know?? You loves it! You keeps it in your mouth much better during nap time!
We hit the road for your first road trip to San Antonio!
We celebrated Daddy's first Father's day and made him a stepping stone with your footprints!
You also went swimming for the first time and have since been 2 more times! You love it and are very calm in the water!
You have become quite vocal and seem to have found your voice! Several times a day you start "singing" and just yell for several minutes at a time! We have gotten some cute videos of this. I need to figure out how to post them!
Daddy put together your exersaucer for you and we have been trying you in it a few times a week. You are still a little too tiny for it so we have to pad you with 4 rolled up blankets. But you are able to hit a few of the buttons and make it play music! I think you will be loving it before too long!
This was a big month b/c Reese met her Great Grandma all the way from Tennessee!
I think we may have a thumb sucker! At 12 weeks you started trying to suck your L thumb. It's funny b/c I sucked my L thumb too!
You are quite fond of your lovie in the car. It is a sweet little bunny that your Nanny bought you for Easter. It has been hooked to your carseat from the beginning but you are just now starting to notice it. You like to hug it and bring it up to your face and mouth. When you fall asleep in the car you hold onto the soft and silky parts.
You have really perfected poking out your bottom lip this month. You do it when you are about to lose it, and also seem to do it when you are very busy playing. I told you whenever you want anything all you have to do is poke out that bottom lip and we'll be eating out of your hands!
You are getting really good at putting toys in your mouth!
Her favorite toy right now is probably her activity mat. I even put her under it one day as a last ditch attempt to stop her from crying and it worked!!! She loves to grab the animals and put them in her mouth. She seems to favor the monkey over the other animals. She will now lay under it for 20 minutes and entertain herself! This is when I usually grab some lunch!
We keep thinking she is close to rolling from back to front. She can get her little hiney off the ground and tilted to one side but can't quite get all the way around.
Her latest obsession as of 12 weeks is her feet! In our laps, on the changing table, on the ground she always seems to grab onto those feet! It's like she just figured out that they are attatched to her body! She is one flexible girl!
Your post made me all teary. So sweet!
ReplyDeleteI laughed SO hard at the milk storage post. I am the same way! Our second fridge in the garage has its freezer bursting at the seems! It's just plain nuts! I bet there are over 150 bottles worth of milk in that thing.
Reese is precious! Maybe one day she and Clara can have a play date. :)